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Shohei Ohtani proved that free agency for elite baseball players can be highly lucrative, 签订了一份10年7亿美元的合同 十二月初. 但近年来, the aggressive push by streaming services to secure global 体育 rights deals has created a new type of free agent: 体育 fans.

The fragmented 体育 media landscape has made accessing content difficult for 体育 fans. 奥特曼梭伦的 2023年全球体育调查 reveals that 60% of 体育 fans have difficulty accessing or affording the live 体育 content they want to watch. 然而, the fragmentation also means fans can pick and choose what 体育 they want to pay for, 如果他们换了转播商,就会关注他们喜欢的球队和联赛. Nearly 70% of fans are willing to switch television providers to retain access to one or more of their essential 体育. 流媒体服务正在努力跟上这些新的“自由代理”的步伐.”

Investments in top 体育 leagues have consistently proven to be a powerful tool to attract and retain customers for linear providers. 破纪录的 $8.50亿美元的国内配股交易 for the English 英超联赛 shows that linear TV is not out of the 体育 game. 陷入困境, Sky Sports and TNT Sports unseated the incumbent Amazon Prime Video from EPL rights, 这凸显了传统体育转播机构的持久性.

体育迷是一个重要的受众群体, 将超过三分之一的电视和视频预算用于体育内容. While broadcast networks and cable providers have courted 体育 fans for years, streaming services recognize they can grow and diversify their subscribers by appealing to this segment.

而与有线电视的竞争才刚刚开始, streaming services have an advantage over traditional broadcasters in attracting subscribers. There was consumer backlash over Peacock becoming the first streamer to exclusively broadcast an NFL playoff game, 但这对nbc环球来说是一个巨大的胜利, setting an all-time record for streaming events with 23 million viewers and signing up 3 million new subscribers before kickoff. 而有多少新的孔雀用户保留还有待观察, the fact that so many 体育 fans were able and willing to quickly access a game they want to watch underscores the ease with which streaming services can gain new subscribers.

One way for media companies – both linear and streaming – to grow their subscription base is to target more casual fans, 或者那些一个月只看几次的人. 毕竟, avid fans – or those who watch more than one game a week – only compose 15% of the global fan base.

作为调查的一部分, 奥特曼梭伦 also interviewed more than 100 global media executives who revealed that targeting casual 体育 fans may become a major trend for the next year: Over 70% of the media executives surveyed believe casual fans should be wooed through expanded content offerings, 比如按次付费选项, 增强的现场体验, 个性化内容推荐, 广告支持的模式. 

Media companies can no longer rely solely on traditional monetization strategies for 体育 rights. 而不是, 广播公司必须重新考虑他们的盈利模式, optimize their rights portfolios with a disciplined approach to content acquisition, 并通过精简的分销模式降低曝光成本. By focusing on the needs of avid 体育 fans and experimenting with ways to engage more casual fans, 媒体公司可以继续将体育版权变现. 

马特·德尔·佩尔西奥 has more than 15 years of experience in the Telecommunications, Media, and Technology (TMT) sectors. He has deep expertise in using analytics and research to develop data-driven growth strategies and performance improvement plans. Matt is an expert in growth and operational strategy development for leading B2C and B2B companies. 在最近的活动中, Matt协助客户进行客户获取和客户流失管理, 提供/定价发展, 客户细分, 营销归因.

另外, Matt leads 奥特曼梭伦的 engagements at the intersection of 体育 and technology and media. 他还负责该公司的年度全球体育调查, which measures consumer interest and willingness to pay for 体育 and news programming, 并收集有关体育迷的见解, 收视率, 以及赌博习惯.

Matt holds a bachelor’s degree from Boston University’s Questrom School of Management and a Master’s degree from Columbia University.

[编者注:这是来自 奥特曼梭伦. 流媒体 accepts vendor bylines based solely on their value to our readers.]

现在就订阅 最新一期 过去的问题


掌声的阿德里安·加西亚写了关于流媒体的交集, 体育, 赌博创造了一个充满活力和快速发展的环境. 随着流媒体技术的进步,体育博彩变得更容易获得, testing and integration of these elements is needed to transform how seamlessly fans enjoy 体育 and gambling.


成功实现体育流媒体的规模化, streamers must commit to delivering the best video quality and reliable and advanced experiences, 同时打击盗版. Simon Brydon of Synamedia breaks down exactly how to get all bases covered in 体育 streaming.

Fan-Focused Future: Hyper-Personalization is Elevating Sports Streaming Experiences

Allan Nicholson at Harmonic discusses the challenges and significance of personalization in live 体育 streaming today, 他还概述了创新的个性化策略, emphasizing the critical role of advertising technology in personalization with a focus on targeted ads that enhance monetization opportunities.

The Pivotal Role of Real-Time Stream Monitoring in Elevating Live Sports Streaming Quality

Anupama Anantharaman of Interra Systems explores the crucial role that media content QC and monitoring plays in delivering live 体育 content to viewers and the significance of media content QC and monitoring as the final step in assuring high-quality streaming for live 体育 events.

The FAST Way for Sports Teams to Better Engage With Fans and Monetize New Opportunities

Rekha Aramuthu Carriere of Amagi writes about the ways that launching a FAST channel can help 体育 teams achieve better engagement with fans and help monetize new opportunities