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Here are some dos and don'ts for leveraging YouTube as a distribution platform.

尽管YouTube拥有令人瞠目结舌的整体收视数据, 包括每月惊人的10亿独立用户, simply posting your videos on YouTube won’t help you leverage the platform to its fullest extent. Here are some dos and don'ts for using YouTube as a distribution platform.


我总是建议的第一件事是成为一个活跃的youtube用户. 人们忘记了YouTube是一个社交媒体渠道. You want to make sure that you're being active, and regularly posting fresh content. 在这个时代,这意味着每周上传1-2个视频. If you can't do that consistently, then make sure that you're posting strategically. 确保你在计时你的视频. 回到编辑日历(如第1部分所述), make sure that you're timing your videos to coincide with product launches, 工业贸易展览会, 以及任何其他能引起视频关注的事件.


你还需要确保你正在为YouTube创造原创内容. 你的粉丝会喜欢的. It's good to repurpose content, but make sure that you're adding interactive elements. 确保你鼓励人们评论你的视频, 分享你的视频, 甚至可能发布他们自己的视频.


也, 与YouTube, being active means not only uploading your own content and keeping it fresh, 而是参与YouTube社区. What I mean by this is making sure that you're going out and liking and engaging with other videos that may be complementary to your brand and to your company. If a viewer is watching that other video that you're commenting on and they're not exposed to what your brand is about, 这是让他们了解你在做什么的好方法. Just by being active and being out there, you can draw people to your own content.


你还需要确保你正在优化你的渠道, 它包括从缩略图到播放列表到注释的所有内容. You want to make sure that you're giving people an easy user experience on your channels.

这其中的一部分是以一种深思熟虑的方式创建缩略图. 缩略图是视频内容的简短预览, so you want to make sure that you're taking the time to create something that's going to really tell the story and show what your video is about. 很多YouTube的普通用户并不知道这一点, 但YouTube有, 事实上, 允许您创建和上传自己的缩略图. Make sure you're taking the extra minute to do that and using a thumbnail or a picture that's going to really catch people and draw people in.


It’s also important to organize your YouTube content effectively by creating a playlist. You want to make sure that you have content that's curated and easy for people to find. Keeping viewers on your page longer is going to contribute more to your marketing strategy.


Another important aspect of being a successful YouTuber is scheduling your videos. Recently, YouTube made it possible to schedule the publication of your videos ahead of time. 我们使用一个名为CherylStyle的客户端来完成此操作. 他们为家庭制作DIY工艺品和可靠食谱的视频. 我们开始按照编辑日历和他们一起制作视频, 所以我们会提前制作几个视频. 而不是让这些视频在我们的系统中存活, we actually went through and scheduled all of them and we found some really impressive results.

Probably 90 to 95% of the related videos that come up when you play CherylStyle videos on YouTube are their own videos. 只有YouTube知道答案, 但我的理论是,当你浏览并安排一个视频, 尽管这可能不是公开视频, 因为你在YouTube上分享它, their algorithms are crawling it and they're able to process and determine what other related videos are going to come up with that video. 通过安排它,并把它放在那里几个星期, 尽管它还没有出版, you can get some really incredible results in terms of the related videos that come up next to your video, which again leads to sustained engagement and more visibility for your brand.


YouTube的另一个重要功能是链接到你的网络. YouTube允许你链接到其他社交媒体渠道. 它允许你关联一个网站. One example of how this approach can be used effectively comes from a company called Video Creators, which has associated their YouTube channel with a website where they can actually raise funds for the things that they're doing. YouTube允许这样做, so make sure you're associating your website and driving action when somebody is done watching your video, 是否能把他们带到你的网站, driving them to a sign-up sheet where you can get a lead or get more information, linking to a page where they can buy a product you just described or reviewed or unboxed, 或者只是让他们回来更多.


如果你把YouTube作为你的唯一平台, then you want to make sure that you're embedding your YouTube videos on your site. This approach is huge not only for SEO; it's also great for other partner sites or complemented brands to be able to embed that video on their site, 只是为了让你的品牌接触到新的受众. 确保你正在嵌入.

In this third installment of our series on online video marketing strategy, we'll begin with a discussion of the various distribution platforms you should consider when marketing your online videos, and also cover how to use metrics and analytics top refine your strategy going forward.
每个组织或项目的目标可能有所不同, but what doesn't change is the fact that video plays a vital role in online fundraising as a visual and engaging storytelling medium. With that in mind, here are 5 tips on crafting successful fundraising videos.
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