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First Look--Epiphan Pearl 2

Epiphan的David Kirk向百家乐软件app最新版下载蒂姆Siglin介绍了Epiphan的新4k流媒体设备, 珍珠2号, at Streaming Media West 2016.

蒂姆Siglin: Welcome back to Almost Live, here at the Streaming Media West 2016 show, I've got David Kirk here with me. 戴夫,跟我说说你的公司,还有你的头衔?

大卫·柯克: I'm the VP of marketing at Epiphan Video, and we're really focused on capture, 流, record of live event production.

蒂姆Siglin: 去年我们讨论了一个叫珍珠的东西, and you've got 珍珠2号 now, tell me what the Pearl is, 简而言之?

大卫·柯克: 确定, the Pearl itself, came out about two years ago, and was a basically mixing, 流媒体, 切换, and recording box, 一体一体. Multiple inputs in, and switch between them, mix them together, and then 流 and record out your output. Pearl 2 is really the evolution of that, we moved up the number of inputs from four to six, the processing power's a little more hefty, and most notably we added 4K capability to it. 原来的Pearl都是高清的,而Pearl 2现在可以处理4K.

蒂姆Siglin: Are the inputs on it primarily HD, SDI inputs?

大卫·柯克: 我们有一个混音,在最初的Pearl上,我们有两个vda,两个hdmi,两个sdi. 在新盒子上, we've got the four HDMIs, two of which are 4K capable, and then we've got two 12G SDIs.

蒂姆Siglin: 12G SDI on there, very nice. 本质上,你可以有两个4k和四个1080p?

大卫·柯克: 你可以,甚至在hdmi上,你可以有两个4K hdmi,再加上sdi上的两个4K摄像头.

蒂姆Siglin: 现在, 在我们开始录音之前你跟我提到的一件事, 你有能力进去打开窗户, 并选择屏幕的不同部分输出较低的分辨率. By lower resolutions, we mean 1080P, right?

大卫·柯克: It could be 1080, it could even be 720, or if you wanted to go back to SD, you could do that, 但一般来说,男人都是在80年代最流行的时候尝试的, 但我们甚至让一些人进入一些场馆,他们只得到2兆的流量, or a megabit and a half, they're trying to 流 out at 720 still. They're taking little shots, cutting out little pieces from that 4K frame, 然后在它们之间切换,就好像它们有多个摄像头一样.

蒂姆Siglin: 它实际上是虚拟地关闭了单个摄像头.

大卫·柯克: 完全.

蒂姆Siglin: 不错的, and can you assign, if you have say, two 4K cameras, 你能给其中一台4K摄像机分配两个窗口吗, and two to another 4K?

大卫·柯克: 确定, 是的, there's flexibility there, you can create three on one, and two on the other, or whatever you like.

蒂姆Siglin: 很好,你还有什么其他类型的输入?

大卫·柯克: 我们升级了音频,我们以前有TRS,它们是平衡的,但它们是TRS. That confused a lot of our users, because they look at that jack, 和思考, "Is that a balanced input?"

蒂姆Siglin: 麦基几年前就不这么做了,因为它太让人困惑了.

大卫·柯克: 是的,我们发现了同样的东西,我们学到了,我们把xlr放在盒子上.

蒂姆Siglin: How many XLR inputs?

大卫·柯克: We got four XLR inputs in there.

蒂姆Siglin: 不错的.

大卫·柯克: 我们也确实提高了净空,它都排在+4 dBU,为专业级混频器. Then we got 20 dB up headroom above that. 我们确实加强了音频部分,并添加了4K功能.

蒂姆Siglin: Do you have any SPDIF inputs on there?

大卫·柯克: 不,我们没有,所有的东西都是模拟输入,或者在SDI或HDMI端嵌入音频.

蒂姆Siglin: 最终,您可以通过SDI嵌入来携带AES?

大卫·柯克: 正确的.

蒂姆Siglin: 音频端可以嵌入多少个通道?

大卫·柯克: 正确的 now it's just one, but the hardware is capable of doing more, 这是我们将来会添加到软件中的东西.

蒂姆Siglin: 你会在嵌套上做立体对吗?

大卫·柯克: That's the way they're set up right now, 我们假设你在使用嵌入器的一频道和二频道吗, and they're a stereo pair. 当我们把它展开时,我们可以自由地把它们分开.

蒂姆Siglin: 最终会是固件升级吗,因为硬件有能力做到这一点?

大卫·柯克: 我们看到的其中一个场景是多语言场景. 在这种情况下, they're not always stereo pairs, you got mics coming in, and one's French, 一个人的英语, 一个人的意大利, and they want to do all that together.

蒂姆Siglin: What's the price point on the unit?

大卫·柯克: 价格点, we have two price points, because one has the 4K capabilities, if you buy it with all the 4K capabilities, it's about $8000. 如果你买的时候没有这个功能,你可以稍后升级,就像固件升级一样,那么它的价格是6000美元. That gets you the 6x HD functionality.

蒂姆Siglin: Is it houses of worship? Is it venues that are using it? Is it webcasters that do portable systems?

大卫·柯克: It's all of that, we've even got corporate guys. We've got them using user experience labs, where they got multiple cameras on the subject, 他们从他们实际使用的设备中进行捕捉. UXLabs has been big, corporate video just for town halls, 这些东西以及现场制作的设置和拆除都是非常大的事情. Education's still big for Pearl, whether it's in the classroom, doing the lecture capture, or whether they're even going out in the field, 做毕业典礼和其他特别活动.

蒂姆Siglin: 我真的认为4K是一个解决方案如果你有窗口功能, you could put a window on the Power Point, in a window on the lecturer. 我想,以前你得有两个摄像头才能做到这一点.

大卫·柯克: 是的, there's a couple ways to do that. 正如你所说,窗口只是将幻灯片与用户分开. 我们也可以把幻灯片作为它自己的源,然后切换到那些. 是的, we see people creating a tight shot at the podium, but then cutting away to the wide shot, and especially when they have large panels. You got six or seven people at a table, you can have an individual shot of each of those, 是的, and one of the examples we've been using, just lately was the recent debates in the US here, for the presidential election. They had podiums that were maybe 25 feet apart.

蒂姆Siglin: 正确的.

大卫·柯克: 在大部分的直播中,你看到的是两个8x9的剪接.

蒂姆Siglin: 正确的 next to each other.

大卫·柯克: 就在彼此旁边,这正是我们看到人们试图做的事情.

蒂姆Siglin: 这里是好莱坞广场,或者说是好莱坞二号.

大卫·柯克: 完全, 在广角镜头中,两个主体之间的距离最大的地方是哪里, and you want to just compress that, and bring them right together.

蒂姆Siglin: 是啊,因为这中间真的没什么东西. 偶尔会有宪法的文字,但这并不能真正填补空白. There should've at least been two ferns. 再次感谢你的时间,这里是2016年西部流媒体直播,这里是Almost Live.

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