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回顾:Adobe Premiere Rush

If you've been looking for a simple and efficient way to shoot and edit video on your phone or tablet, 拉什绝对符合要求. If you're looking to start on your phone or tablet and finish up on your workstation, 拉什无人能敌.

The value proposition provided by Adobe Premiere Rush varies according to how long you’ve been editing and where you edit. 如果你是编辑新手,这是一个很好的入门编辑器. 如果您熟悉Adobe Premiere Pro, you probably won’t want to switch when editing on your primary workstation, but if you’ve been looking for a simple and efficient way to shoot and edit video on your phone or tablet, 拉什绝对符合要求. If you’re looking to start on your phone or tablet and finish up on your workstation, 拉什无人能敌.


Rush is available on Windows and Mac and on certain (but not all) iPhones and Android devices. For example, it is available for my iPhone X but not for my Samsung Galaxy Tab A. 如果你愿意, you can store all Rush project files and project assets in the Adobe Creative Cloud so you can seamlessly switch editing from your mobile device to your workstation, 如果你想在Premiere Pro中编辑, 你只需在Premiere Pro中加载Rush项目.

功能, 在所有平台上, Rush提供了一系列令人印象深刻的编辑功能, 包括多个视频轨道, 广泛的色彩调整, 访问Premiere Pro MOGRT标题模板, 简单的转换, 以及广泛的音频编辑和过滤器. 在装有摄像头的移动设备上, Rush从一开始就闪耀, 暴露专业级别的暴露控制, 焦点, 诸如此类. On my iPhone X, rendering was shockingly fast, with export functions for most social media platforms.

From my perspective, Rush is most interesting for its iPhone functionality. Every year I film 8-10 interviews on my iPhone at NAB and the workflow to trim the heads and tails, 应用标题, and upload the clips to Brightcove (流媒体’s OVP) has been tortuous with other iPhone editors that I’ve tried. 所以,我很想看看它在这个有限的角色中是如何运作的. 为了说明这一点和更多, I’ll walk you through a typical project workflow covering iPhone functionality at the start and desktop at the end.

当你在Rush中开始你的第一个项目时, 不管平台是什么, you have the option to go through a short tutorial that exposes you to most of the controls available in the program. 我建议您在使用的每个设备上都学习本教程, particularly on phones where the interface is necessarily cramped and some controls obscured.


当你开始真正的工作, you start a project by loading existing content or shooting new photos or 视频. You can load content from different folders on your computer/mobile device like photos, 视频, 诸如此类, 以及Dropbox和Adobe Creative Cloud的数据, 还有Rush的配乐作为伴奏. 选择要添加的内容时, 您可以按照您想要的时间轴顺序选择剪辑, 这样就简化了粗切.

When shooting video, you can either shoot in Auto mode or choose Pro mode as shown on the right in 图1(下面). 在这种模式下, 您将得到图1底部所示的控件, 哪一个, 从左到右从曝光模式开始, where you can opt out of auto-exposure and select ISO level and shutter speed with a helpful exposure meter. Next is exposure bias where you can brighten or darken the incoming video directly. 接下来是熟悉的白平衡图标, where you can opt out of auto 白平衡 and set tint or color temperature manually. 你也可以在视频中选择一个白色的区域, 图中我左眼附近的那个圆圈是哪个.

图1. Enabling Pro options on the upper right enables manual controls on the bottom for exposure, 曝光补偿, 白平衡, 自动对焦, 变焦, 分辨率和帧率.

接下来是手动对焦, 哪个是自动摄像头不能用的, 所以它是灰色的, 然后缩放. 在极右翼, you can also choose the resolution and frame rate of the video that you capture. 因为我在NAB拍摄的很多照片都是在低于标准的光线下拍摄的, these controls will definitely help fine-tune and improve the source quality of my shots.

一旦你拍摄你的视频或选择现有的内容, 你在时间线上结束, 在iPhone中显示 图2(下面). One of the coolest features for social media producers is the ability to choose the orientation, 是否景观, 肖像, 或广场, 如图2所示. You can do this at any time, simplifying producing for multiple social media destinations.

图2. 您可以随时更改项目方向, 这简化了多个社交媒体网站的制作.

图3(下面) 显示智能手机的基本编辑界面. You opt into the multiple track timeline view using the third icon from the left. 它旁边的框将打开您的媒体箱, the icon to the right opens the orientation options shown in 图2. 您可以看到标题选项, 转换, and color on the bottom; if you drag that bottom slider to the left, 你会为了速度而暴露控制装置, audio, 和转换, 哪一个 is how you control picture-in-picture or split-screen operations. 左上角的首页图标将带您到项目文件夹, 而右上方的三个图标用于撤销, 分享, 并反馈给Adobe.

图3. 基本的智能手机编辑界面

You accomplish most major editing functions intuitively via drag and drop, using familiar gesture controls to 变焦 into and out of the timeline. You trim by clicking a clip to open simple trim handles at the beginning and end. Once you add multiple clips to the timeline, they move with the sequence as you slide through it. To break this connection, you click only that clip and drag it to the new location.

您可以对大多数函数进行广泛的编辑控制, though with some the lack of screen real estate complicates operation on smartphone screens. 举个例子, 对于图2所示的标题,您可以控制字体, style, 大小, 字符间距, 行间距, 基线变化, 颜色填充, 大纲, 和影子, 对于每一行文本. 然而, deleting and swapping out the text on a smartphone screen may be challenging, 不过在平板电脑上显然就不那么明显了, 在电脑上更简单.

Though the latest version of Premiere Pro introduced this week isn't a complete facelift, 在进出口过程中有相当大的变化, 每个项目的书尾. The changes are designed to simplify operation for new users and streamline workflows for all users.