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本教程引导观众通过一些很酷的新效果, 转换, 和文本动画工具在红巨人的综合插件包, and shows how to navigate and customize the preset options available with each effect.

In this tutorial we’ll look at a tutorial on the new Red Giant Universe 3.0. Universe是一组插件和生成器, 还有扭曲引擎, 公用事业公司, 文本生成器和效果, 动画, and animations that you can build in Premiere Pro and After Effects. 每年支付199美元,你可以得到79个工具. 这些工具中的每一个都已经内置了许多预设, and they're all completely customizable if you don't like what you see there.

最近, I completed a very short video but I wanted it to be really fast-paced and high impact, 所以我在这个项目中使用了几乎所有的宇宙特效. Here in Knoxville, we had the Bassmaster Classic, which is like the Super Bowl of fishing (下面的图1). 我不太喜欢钓鱼,但显然很多人都喜欢, because there were tens of thousands of people in Knoxville for this event.


图1. 诺克斯维尔欢迎低音大师经典.

每当有大型体育赛事时, there are going to be a lot of vendors that do a lot of different projects locally for the companies that organize these events. The company that I work for in my day job did almost all of the outdoor signage for this event. So I edited a lot of highlight reel showing all of the signage we did. 我们不需要它来说明每一件事是什么. 我们只是想通过视频说, “看看我们为这个客户做的各种事情, 这些就是我们可以做的事情. 这些是我们的能力.”

Since I had almost exclusively still photos of the signage and signage is a static thing, I wanted to apply some really wild effects to make everything jump out and be a lot more interesting than normal.


Before we get to the project itself, let’s take a look at the new dashboard. 红巨星宇宙仪表板(下面的图2),它位于屏幕右侧,非常棒. Number one, it gives you a quick visual reference for what each effect basically does. And the great thing about these thumbnails is they're not static. You just roll over the effect with your mouse and you'll get an instant preview of exactly what it is. Then you can dive in to each effect and see more specifically what they do.

图2. 宇宙仪表盘

So that’s pretty much the process that I went through when choosing which 转换 and effects to use on this project. 的剪辑, 你可以在视频教程中看到, 很短, 你们很多人不会喜欢这种风格, 但我几乎在每个片段之间都使用了不同的效果. 我几乎用了所有的过渡.

I didn't use a lot of Universe effects like light rays because I wanted the photos themselves to be fairly untouched; I needed them to accurately represent what we did and not to have something weird on top of it like film grain or light flares that would distract from the signage itself.


让我们在这里稍微介绍一下这个项目. 一开始,我有一些B-roll的设置. I have a brief description of what the project is and what the video entails. 公司标志也会弹出(下面的图3).

图3. 从一些b-roll开始

I did use the Logo Motion effect from Red Giant Universe so that I can have the company's logo come on in a neat way. You can see everything animates in and out in an elegant way at the 2:55 mark in the tutorial video.

在简短的介绍之后,继续进行项目, 随着音乐的变化,情绪立刻发生了戏剧性的变化. Some hard rock music comes on and kind of sets the pace for the rest of this edit, 哪个小于一分钟. The first effect that I used to go between the logos and the B-roll here is actually the first photo is the Swish Pan. The Swish pan effect is just what it sounds like: a swish pan that blurs the image from one clip to the next. 你可以选择方向. In this case, I've chosen a vertical direction, so it looks like what you see in 图4(下面).

图4. 一个垂直的Swish Pan

接下来我选择的是曝光模糊(下面的图5). 这就像一道闪光,但比闪光慢一点. It's not like a quick flash; it's more of a burned white and then back.

图5. 曝光模糊

A look at Magic Bullet's Denoiser III video noise reduction plug-in
保罗Schmutzler demonstrates key animation features in the new Red Giant Universe effects and 转换 suite.
Here's a quick tutorial to show you how to get started with the new, simplified Colorista interface and quickly apply some interesting grades to create new looks in your clips.
This tutorial runs through some of the highlights from the new Red Giant Universe 2.1插件包的效果和过滤器, working in After Effects because that's where so much ambitious title work happens.