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Production Solutions for Live Streaming, Part 1: Cameras and Audio

在这个由两部分组成的系列中, we'll focus on some of the tools that are available to you as content creators when you're delivering content for the web, beginning in this first installment with cameras and pro audio gear.


在这个由两部分组成的系列中,由 美国索尼电子专业解决方案公司, we’ll focus on some of the tools that are available to you as content creators when you’re delivering content for the web. 一般, 在流媒体视频市场, people focus on their streaming connection before they consider their production tools. 通常,他们最关心的是,“我的WiFi管道有多大??" or "How big is my data connection to the web so I can get my content to the Inter网 for my viewers to catch?" And many times they’ll emphasize these issues at the expense of the acquisition side of their production.

The old saying, often applied to encoded video still holds true: "Garbage in, garbage out." Although no one would deny the importance of delivery in web video, 你想要确定, 从最开始的过程, 你要用最高质量的工具来捕捉.

这些工具包括你的相机, 你的专业音频, 您的视频切换, and any other production tools that you use to build your look before you get it to the web, 并通过手机或电脑发送给终端用户. 在本文中,我将介绍其中的一些元素. 我是索尼的产品经理, 这是一篇赞助文章, 所以会有, 当然, some Sony products discussed that will help you create your on-air look for your streaming productions. The first step in the process is what we call the lens, or the camera.


图1(下面) 展示了目前市场上的四款索尼相机. 从上面的中间开始, 最新的相机是PXW-X200, 哪个内置了流媒体技术. PXW X500, 左边那个大肩背模型, is designed more for Electronic 新闻 Gathering (ENG) applications. 索尼还提供PXW-X200, 的PXW-X180, 以及PXW-X70, 它们都有内置的WiFi流媒体, 或可通过CBK-WA100选择WiFi, 连接到相机上的适配器, 右下角所示.

图1. 索尼无线网络摄像机型号.

Now you can actually have a camera that automatically does the streaming for you--broadcast quality to the web--or you can take the baseband output of these cameras, 通过HDMI或SDI, 并将其输入切换器或内容生产者, 我将在本文后面更深入地介绍它. 这使您的视频制作质量高, 所以当你准备好把它放到网上的时候, you're delivering the highest-quality product you possibly can before it's encoded and streamed to your end users.

For your cameras that don't have WiFi functionality built in, the CBK-WA100 adapter (下面的图2) will take the SDI output of the camera and convert it to a WiFi signal on the fly. 如果你对现有的相机满意的话, and you don't want to make the investment toward a new camera to get on-board WiFi capability, 你可以用CBK-WA100实现同样的事情, 前提是你现有的相机有SDI输出.

图2. 与CBK-WA100连接.


让我们来看看PXW-X70 (下面的图3). People always assume that when you're talking about broadcast quality, 这意味着昂贵的相机, 这并不一定正确. At an MSRP of $2,599, the X70 is priced well within the affordable range for most professionals.

图3. 索尼PXW-X70

The X70 is a handy cam--that is, a camera that can easily be operated in one hand. It has a 1” CMOS chip in the camcorder with a Carl Zeiss lens, and built-in ND filters. It records in XAVC, a new codec that's easily accepted by any of the nonlinear editors on the market. 您可以录制高达1080/60p. Not only does the X70’s XAVC support enable you to record and capture high-quality video for your streaming delivery to your users; it also means you’re record in a format that you can bring into post to edit for on-demand delivery.


下一款新相机是PXW-X180 (下面的图4). 这款车型被认为是X70的升级版, 因为它有三个1/3”CMOS芯片用于采集端. 现在你正在捕捉红色, 绿色的, and the blue with an individual chip for each color within the camera. The X180 lSO records XAVC, and also supports Sony’s Multi Interface (MI) Shoe. MI鞋, you can now directly interface with some of Sony’s wireless audio products without the need to run any extra cabling.

图4. 索尼PXW-X180

By attaching the MI Shoe to the top of the camera at the normal hot shoe location, you can now attach a wireless receiver without having to run a cable to the input of the camera. The receiver connects automatically via a connection on the camera head that records your content on the fly.

明年1月上市的X200有3个1/2英寸的芯片. 下一步将是X500, 哪个有3个2/3英寸的薯片, 除此之外,我们还有35mm的4K相机.

In Part 1 of this series on production solutions for live streaming, we looked at two key pieces of the live production puzzle: cameras and audio. Here we'll look at a product that ties it all together for live producers: the Sony Anycast Touch.