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Aja桥直播 Helps BCC生活 Meet Encoding/Decoding Demands Across Productions

支持广泛的编码/解码需求, BCC生活投资了AJA BRIDGE Live IP视频工作流桥.

在现场活动制作中, 为意外做好准备是至关重要的, whether a small codec or frame rate issue throws off the chain or a larger problem arises. 科罗拉多州博尔德市 BCC生活 在这些挑战中寻找机会. 虽然它的根源可能在IT, 该公司已迅速发展成为一个现场制作强国, 帮助像IRONMAN这样的组织, 摇滚马拉松, and others deliver broadcast quality coverage of niche sporting events and conferences to global audiences. BCC生活 President and Event Technician Dave Downey attributes this success to a smart, passionate team dedicated to tackling the most ambitious broadcast and live stream projects for international clients. 支持广泛的编码/解码需求, BCC生活 invested in an Aja桥直播 IP视频工作流程桥.

“Aja桥直播正在帮助我们应对各种挑战. 用它, we can take in nearly any type of feed and send out whatever end format is required,唐尼分享道. “只演示了15分钟,我们就被说服了. 它为我们解决了很多问题.”

是否广播或运行测试, BCC生活 deploys BRIDGE LIVE nearly every weekend to support a range of production demands (i.e.、1080i或1080p、50或60帧、安全可靠传输等.). They also leverage it to intuitively send SCTE markers to customers for triggering breaks. 在70的情况下.3 IRONMAN competition broadcasts during which a production company partner runs the ad breaks – like the IRONMAN European races – BCC生活 will tap into BRIDGE LIVE’s ability to send SCTE metadata down to the broadcast channels so that the production team can trigger ad breaks. 

BCC生活 provides soup-to-nuts services spanning production through post – including animation and graphics – so every project is different. 在每个项目的开始, BCC生活确保所有正确的人, 资产, 作为第一步,设备已经到位, 然后构建自定义事件图形. BCC生活团队经常收到来自制作公司的实时事件提要, 然后混合内容, 增加了图片, and broadcasts it to millions of viewers via YouTube or other online video platforms. They also package the content into 45-second highlight reels for social media platforms like Instagram. 不管内容是在哪里产生的, anything broadcast or streamed by BCC生活 comes into its Boulder studio before distribution to viewing platforms.


客户端经常请求SRT和RTMP, SDI和NDI也是如此. 有了BRIDGE LIVE, BBC LIVE可以在一个设备上支持多种格式. “BRIDGE LIVE支持如此多的连接类型, 视频编解码器, 协议大大减少了我们使用的设备数量. 它允许我们进入并为任何项目建立一个新的配置文件, 这样我们就可以毫无压力地进行直播了,唐尼解释道. 

特别是对NDI的评论, 他继续说, “We love using NDI BRIDGE LIVE because we don't have to get up from our seats to send the signal in the studio; I can easily open the signal on my laptop in NDI, 进行质量检查, 把它拉进搅拌机, 确保一切都如我所愿. 然后, 我可以修补它并将其设置为SDI, 所以当我们在多个地方需要它的时候, 我们可以用矩阵分配器. This means multiple studios can grab what they need off NDI; it’s a simple way to split off a world feed as we get it.” 


Many of BCC生活’s productions for European IRONMAN events start with a live premix feed provided by a production company partner. BCC生活的博尔德工作室通过BRIDGE Live接收饲料, and it’s pulled into its video mixer via SDI and sent to a few destinations in-studio. BCC生活 transmits the feed through its replay machine and sends a split into its TriCaster via SDI, 团队在哪里添加HTML5图像. They use a green screen background and put the video behind the hosts so it looks like they’re in the location of the event. 

BCC直播然后通过BRIDGE直播发送到YouTube, 脸谱网, 和户外供观众观看, 还有格拉比奥, 它的客户可以从哪里获取满足社交需求的内容. 下一个, the team spins off a world feed that is sent to LiveU Studio and also transmits a mixed feed to LiveU Studio from the BRIDGE LIVE. 在LiveU Studio, 他们可能会引入远程主机, 加入本地化内容, 并将其发送到相关的网络或流媒体平台. 


BRIDGE LIVE, BCC生活已经将编码/解码技术的需求减少了一半, 据唐尼说. The device enables the team to easily grab NDI off the 网work regardless of the source. “One of the biggest benefits of BRIDGE LIVE is that we can specify every piece of the configuration, 比如帧大小, 我们从不局限于只有两种选择,唐尼补充道. “对于一些编码器,你只能使用预设. BRIDGE LIVE, we can specify almost any configuration option on the input and output. 因为我们一直在与高端广播平台合作, 我们可以方便地提供视频PID, 音频PID, 等. BRIDGE LIVE. 另外,我们可以将音频设置为几乎任何我们想要的,这太棒了.”

Having such a broad array of configuration options has been huge for Downey and the team, 设备还可以向流中添加元数据和SCTE标记. Downey said that BRIDGE LIVE will also make it easier to add closed captions in the upstream. 评论AJA对设备的持续开发, 他分享, “AJA不断向设备添加的更新是非常有帮助的. Unlike literally every company that says they’re planning updates and then never delivers, AJA定期推出有意义的更新. The addition of formats in the input and output stream is just one of many great feature additions since we invested in the unit. We also love how updates have allowed us to take progressive and send it back out interlaced and vice versa with just one unit, 而不是一个巨大的昂贵的架子.”


增长仍然是BCC生活的重点, 尤其是距离2028年的大型体育赛事已经不远了. 唐尼和他的团队都渴望找到一种方式在制作中发挥作用. 他的结论是, “Our team broadcasts incredible sporting events like the IRONMAN World Championship to millions of people, 我们使用最好的技术来做到这一点. 我们已经准备好迎接任何挑战.”


与流媒体软件专家Comprimato合作开发, BRIDGE LIVE is a turnkey solution built for critical streaming and contribution applications with high performance 12G-SDI video encoding/decoding, 基于流的代码转换, 具有灵活的12G-SDI I/O, 全面的元数据和封闭字幕支持, 所有在一个紧凑的1RU形式因素与冗余电源. www.aja.com/bridge-live.


自1993年以来, AJA Video Systems has been a leading manufacturer of video interface technologies, 转换器, 数字视频录制解决方案和专业摄像机, 带来高品质, 性价比高的产品向专业广播, 视频和后期制作市场. AJA产品的设计和制造在我们的工厂在草谷, 加州, and sold through an extensive sales channel of resellers and systems integrators around the world. 欲了解更多信息,请访问我们的网站 www.aja.com.
