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思科现场记录技术会议与63松下AW-UE70 4K平移/倾斜/变焦相机


Cisco Live, the annual customer conference under the aegis of Cisco Systems, Inc. (San Jose, CA), has upgraded its session capture with the use of more than five dozen Panasonic AW-UE70W/K 4K/HD pan/tilt/zoom cameras with AW-SF200 Auto Tracking software. 这种最先进的软件使松下专业PTZ相机能够通过面部和身体检测自动跟踪演示者, now with deep learning technology.

According to Cisco Liveprogram managerPeter Stone, 在过去的几年中,会话捕获已经成为Cisco Live在线世界越来越高的优先级. “When the need for a better-looking rendition of our speakers came into play, we decided if we were going to move up to the next level, 我们需要一个摄像系统,它不仅能自动跟踪拍摄对象,还能由用户在飞行中进行编程,” he said.

“I wanted a solution that could actually allow us to point and click a face, which led me to the Panasonic PTZs and Auto Tracking software,” Stone continued. “这仍然是我能找到的唯一解决方案,它可以很容易地点击一张脸,并在观众中可靠地跟踪单个主题, throughout a myriad of background images.”

最近的Cisco Live活动于上个月在圣地亚哥会议中心举行, CA), attracting more than 28,000 attendees including 300 partner exhibitors. 配备松下最新自动跟踪软件的AW-UE70W/Ks捕获了700多个分组会议.

These sessions are all posted to an “on-demand library” on the Cisco Live website (, so that anyone can register to watch sessions anytime and anywhere. This original content is designed to educate viewers on Cisco products and technology, and to attract them to attend upcoming Cisco Live events.

At the San Diego event, an AW-UE70W/K camera was installed in 63 breakout rooms. In contrast to previous camera operations, the Auto Tracking software managed pan/tilt functionality, facilitating more dynamic shooting. One operator was able to manage eight cameras at a time.

8名操作员从一个集中控制室管理63个房间的A/V设备, with an A/V manager on hand to monitor servers and the network. The task of each

operator was to monitor and assist the Auto Tracking of the AW-UE70W/K PTZs, to register a face and adjust the angle, to start/stop the recorders (recording video and PPTs in each room), and to monitor room audio.

Describing the centralized control room operation, 斯通说,使用大量硬件的新服务器允许同时使用8个摄像头. “We had eight laptops specially configured to handle the eight screens from the server, 还有八个专有的定制记录站我们可以实时查看摄像机,” he recounted.

“In addition, 我们有一个我称之为“作战室”的屏幕,它可以让我们实时了解每个房间的情况, 这样我们就能立即看到摄像头或ppt是否出了问题,” he continued. “然后,我们在运营中心有各种其他级别的支持:我们的Pearl记录器将所有文件发送到楼下的文件存储库, and we edited files in real time up here all over a 10G fiber network, and saved them back down on another storage device.”

Stone elaborated on the critical value of the AW-SF200’s deep learning technology, 哪一种能在各种环境下准确检测出人体形状. “Throughout the world, Cisco speakers tend to present a very dynamic situation—they don’t stand still,” he explained. “They won’t wait to be identified by a PTZ that requires a session to capture faces, and they don't like to take time to wear special badges.

“此外,我们需要找到一个足够快的解决方案,在没有交互的情况下跟踪我们的演示者. 我们看到的几乎所有其他系统都需要你的目标进行某种程度的合作或互动. 这是我们无法做到的,当演讲者有时只有两到三分钟的时间上台开始他们的演讲. 他们最不愿意做的就是等你给他们的侧面和正面拍照.”

“Ultimately, 我们之所以决定采用松下PTZs的深度学习技术,是因为这个动态的现实环境, as opposed to a controlled environment where you have time to set up and capture faces. It’s worked out tremendously well thus far,” Stone said. 他补充说,新系统的整体操作人员培训已缩减至约一小时,而不是一小时. four hours with the prior cameras.

Stone表示,下个月他将在一个较小的影响事件中实现AW-UE70W/Ks的自动跟踪功能, 以及今年10月在坎昆举行的Cisco Live国际会议.

About Cisco Live
Cisco’s annual customer conference, known as Cisco Live, was established three decades ago, shortly after the company was founded. The inaugural event, then called Networkers, 迅速成为IT专业人士公认的首要技术活动. Over the past 30 years, 思科的客户和合作伙伴已经围绕Cisco live建立了一个不断壮大的社区,这使会议变成了技术行业的传统.For more information,

About the AW-UE70W/K 4K Integrated Camera
AW-UE70W/K集成4K平移/倾斜/变焦相机提供3840 x 2160分辨率的图像.97p/25p via HDMI, and is also capable of 4K IP streaming and in-camera 4K recording. The AW-UE70W/K offers genlock, Optical Image Stabilization (O.I.S), and remote switchable ND filters. For more information, visit.

About Auto Tracking Software AW-SF100/SF200
松下自动跟踪软件协助跟踪一个人自动使用人脸识别和人体检测. 人体检测功能使用深度学习技术,从数以万计的人体图像中积累和学习, achieving highly accurate detection even in settings with poor visibility, such as dark rooms.*

There is a 30-day free trial available for Auto Tracking Software, which can be downloaded through the links below.



For more information about Panasonic professional video products, visit contact Panasonic at 877-803-8492.

About Panasonic System Solutions Company of North America
Panasonic System Solutions Company of North America, a division of Panasonic Corporation of North America, 提供改变游戏规则的技术解决方案,提供定制的体验,为我们的客户和客户的客户带来更好的结果. Panasonic designs and manufactures reliable, flexible and dependable products and solutions to help create, capture and deliver information of all types, especially where, when and how it is needed. 松下为各种规模的政府和商业企业提供的全套专业解决方案可解决统一的业务通信问题, mobile computing, security and surveillance, retail point-of-sale, office productivity, audio and visual systems (projectors, displays & digital signage) and professional video production. To learn more and Panasonic’s business products and solutions visit

About Panasonic Corporation of North America
Newark, 总部位于新泽西州的松下北美公司致力于通过可持续能源的创新,为企业对企业客户创造更美好的生活和更美好的世界, Immersive Entertainment, Integrated Supply Chains and Mobility Solutions. 该公司是位于日本大阪的松下公司在北美的主要子公司. One of Interbrand’s Top 100 Best Global Brands of 2018, Panasonic is a leading technology partner and integrator to businesses, government agencies and consumers across the region. Learn more about Panasonic’s ideas and innovations at