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HVS-2000视频切换器 Helps Custom Media Solutions Pivot from Live Event to Streaming Event with Limited Crew

When the COVID-19 pandemic forced Orange Conference 2020 to convert from a live, 4月29日开始的为期三天的流媒体节目, CMS依靠的是HVS-2000 视频切换器 from 美国fora公司 向更多的在线观众提供高端产品.

Custom Media Solutions, a live event video production company based in Cumming, Ga., 提供了橙衣大会的流媒体报道, 这是每年在亚特兰大为基督徒家庭事工团队举办的活动, 多年来. 凭借其后台经验, 该公司为无法出席的人创建了一个在线展示. When the COVID-19 pandemic forced Orange Conference 2020 to convert from a live, 4月29日开始的为期三天的流媒体节目, CMS依靠的是HVS-2000 视频切换器 from 美国fora公司 向更多的在线观众提供高端产品.

“我们尽可能地使用切换器的功能来实现自动化,Marc Shroyer说, CMS总裁. “We had a couple of still stores with user flags and a lot of lower-thirds from the ProPresenter presentation system. We used DVEs for picture-in-picture looks that we could display on the multi-view at all times, 所以我们可以在飞行中决定何时使用它们.”

Custom Media Solutions used a FOR-A HVS-2000 视频切换器 to produce streaming coverage of Orange Conference 2020.

Most of the content was prerecorded, but live hosts connected the short segments together. Orange converted its local retail store, which was closed due to COVID-19, into three studio sets. 客户端摄像机被用作两个主要场景的工作室摄像机, and robotic cameras were positioned above the two sets to provide wide transition shots and a birds-eye view for the production crew. 第三组, 位于楼上,配备了CMS的日立生产相机, 主持了两个现场主题演讲.

因为保持社交距离的要求, CMS had to produce the event using less than half of its usual crew in its production trailer. The coverage required 16 inputs, 10 keyers, 11 DVEs, and at least four AUX buses. 施罗耶说:“for - a很棒,它总是为我们发挥作用。.

One challenge the production faced was integrating a Zoom-based game show into the live program. 比赛期间, 视频切换器接收到两台独立的电脑信号, so the TD had the option of taking the Zoom gallery display of the four players or the full-screen speaker display. The host interacted with all four players through a monitor on the set (populated by one of the HVS-2000 AUX buses), which showed the Zoom gallery display as a picture-in-picture inside the game graphics and allowed the players to the see the game board. 避免音频反馈, a USB interface sent the mix/minus from the digital mixer to the participants.

ProPresenter系统用于回放录制的内容, and two keys were used to show the timers from the ProPresenter’s second display on the confidence monitors. 备份系统稍微延迟播放视频. Each of the two main sets had a confidence monitor, which received feeds from the HVS-2000’s AUX bus.

使用HVS-2000的内部GPI系统称为用户标志, the AUX bus feeding the confidence monitor would switch automatically to the second display from the backup system when necessary, 因此,主持人和工作人员总是知道录制的内容何时结束. The user flag would also make it switch it back to the primary stage display graphics when any other source was selected.

There were two streaming feeds; the main feed provided all programming to the Orange website, while a second feed only shared the two-hour main session to Facebook Live on April 29. 一度, the production had to cut the Thursday night feed to Facebook Live because of potential music copyright issues.

预料到会被打断, Shroyer created a GPI interface between the HVS-2000 and a Clear-Com intercom system to allow switcher commands to be fired from communication panels at several stations in the production truck. 从他在工程部门的位置, Shroyer switched the AUX feed with transition to a graphic (without sound) and keyed a countdown timer from the ProPresenter system using the HVS-2000’s key over AUX function to let the Facebook Live audience know when programming would resume.

“生产公司非常欣赏HVS-2000的灵活性, 从后台走向2020年橙色大会的中心舞台,亚当·丹尼尔说, 中西部和南部地区销售总监. “We are proud to partner with Custom Media Solutions and provide the live production equipment to help them deliver high-quality coverage for such a prominent event.”

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The HVS-2000 2 M/E 视频切换器 offers 24 inputs and 18 outputs as standard, 并且可以扩展到48/18或40/22可选的I/O卡. The switcher also includes MELite™ technology that previews output from an AUX bus when applying transitions or keying for expanded M/E performance, as well as FLEXaKEY architecture for flexible reassignment of keyers separate from the standard keyers of full M/E buses 


FOR-A, 在全球范围内, 行业领先的制造商, offers a wide range of broadcast and production products with a focus on cutting-edge technologies, 包括:高清, 4K及IP产品. FOR-A continues to offer future-ready, cost effective, advanced technology solutions. 产品包括:视频切换器, 路由转换器, multi-viewers, 全4K高速摄像机, IP编码器/解码器, 多通道信号处理器, 8K/4K/高清测试信号发生器, 颜色校正技术, 某个浏览器框架, 基于文件的产品, 字符生成器, 视频服务器等等.

提供全方位的高清和4K生产和加工解决方案, 以及基于ip的产品, 请访问我们的网站 www.for-a.com.