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Prosper Rock Hill High School in Frisco, TX, with help from Digital Resources, 最近建立了一个尖端的电视演播室,学生们用它来制作和播放校园范围内的每日新闻直播节目.

For the last few decades, U.S. school curriculum has centered on college preparation, but in recent years, parents, 教师和管理人员已经开始倡导将更多的专业技能培训纳入其中. 随着越来越多的高中投资于技术和教学人员,以支持更多的职业教育,他们的愿景正迅速成为现实, ranging from 3D animation to masonry, robotics and more.


According to Texas-based AV Systems Integrator Digital Resources, 其中一个引起教育界兴趣的领域是新闻制作和现场活动AV.

Year on year, 该公司不断看到新客户要求复杂的校园工作室,其中包括AJA Video Systems等公司的真实媒体制作设备. 然后,学校利用这些设施和设备,培训学生如何从头到尾播报每日新闻, with students serving as the production crew, news anchor team, director/technical director and floor director. In addition to learning the tools and roles of the trade, they’re taught how to write story scripts; achieve the right voice quality, diction and timing; performance and pacing techniques; and more.


Prosper Rock Hill High School in Frisco, TX is one of the many high schools embracing this methodology, and with help from Digital Resources, 最近建立了一个尖端的电视演播室,学生们用它来制作和播放校园范围内的每日新闻直播节目. 同样,德克萨斯州沃斯堡的西北独立学区(ISD)也在使用它的 Creative Media Production Academy, built by Digital Resources, to train students in 3D animation, live event production, broadcast, and more. 该项目的一些学生获得了非常宝贵的经验,他们毕业后已经在大学体育和专业体育制作部门从事辅助项目管理工作. 像Prosper Rock和Northwest ISD这样的教育机构继续展示早期媒体制作培训可以提供的价值, 数字百家乐软件公司希望更多的地区和校园效仿他们的做法.


数字百家乐软件需要一个精心策划的方法,每个项目, 通过设计和制造过程选择每一件齿轮,以确保它符合学校的需求. “学生是否打算在高中毕业后上大学或进入职场, there’s value in getting on-the-job experience, 没有比在现实世界中学习交易工具更好的方法了,” shared Tim Bock, director of marketing and sales, Digital Resources. “我们正在帮助学校将广播工作室的体验带到课堂上, including all the standard production equipment, and AJA gear is always a part of our designs. It’s a staple in most modern studio environments, easy for students to learn quickly, and highly affordable, which is ideal for schools with tight budgets.”


许多因素影响着Digital Resource的每一个设计, including space, budget, instructor knowledge level, existing architecture and infrastructure. Although each setup varies, all studio blueprints feature a range of cameras, lighting, teleprompters, and custom set designs. 大部分设备都安装在配备千兆以太网和光纤的校园控制室中. 在那里,学生可以监控制作的每个部分,从图形到学分和切换. As most schools currently produce and deliver in 1080p, 数字百家乐软件将两个AJA Ki Pro Ultra 4K/超高清和2K/HD录制设备纳入每个设施计划-一个用于主录制和播放,另一个用于ISO录制. An AJA HELO H.264流媒体和录制设备也是将内容流到学校网站和Facebook Live等社交平台的标准设备, 而AJA KUMO 1616路由器包括在演播室和周围的路由信号没有任何退化.


Bock concluded, “Flexible, reliable, and plug-and-play gear is our go-to, which is why we continue to use Ki Pro Ultra. Schools love that they can create, record and deliver HD, 2K and 4K out of the box, and that post-show, 他们有即时编辑的文件,可以传递给使用Avid等工具进行在职培训的学生, Adobe Premiere, or Final Cut Pro X. Likewise, HELO packs a ton of functionality into a small box, 此外,它还提供了一个简单的备份记录,存档同时到它的直播流, and KUMO is ideal for testing and measuring signals. 我们的AJA齿轮解决了生产管道中的一系列挑战, 这样学校和学生就不用那么担心,可以把更多的注意力放在娱乐上, creative content.”

AJA KUMO 1616 Front View


About AJA
Since 1993, AJA视频一直是视频接口技术的领先制造商, converters, digital video recording solutions and professional cameras, bringing high quality, cost effective products to the professional broadcast, video and post production markets. AJA产品的设计和制造在我们的工厂在草谷, California, 并通过遍布全球的经销商和系统集成商的广泛销售渠道进行销售. For further information, please see our website at