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罗兰更新旗舰M-480 v -混合器软件

新的罗兰M-480 V-Mixer软件增加了DCA组, 增加屏幕淡出功能, 增加延迟时间, 增加了5个新的效果处理器, 和更多的

罗兰系统集团(RSG)发布了一个新的固件更新(V1.5)他们流行的M-480 V-Mixer控制台. This firmware update comes only six months after a previous firmware release demonstrating a continued commitment to supporting users of V-Mixer Consoles. m - 480, 比如M-400, M-380, 和m - 300, is the central component in a VMixing System with integrated Digital Snakes, 多通道录音和世界上最好的个人混音系统.

With a growing number of V-Mixing System installations in Theater and Broadcast markets, Roland Systems Group engineers have packed this free update with significant features that assists this user group including:

  • DCA的数量从8增加到24
  • 场景淡出功能
  • 延迟时间增加到1.2秒用于广播和大型户外应用
  • Five new effect processors including Multi-Band Compression/Expansion and BOSS digital effect models
  • 二级货架上的Lo和Hi EQ
  • Mutually Exclusive LR/C assignment for cross-matrixed linear array speaker configurations
  • “samples”中的延迟设置
  • 监视器调光器设置

增加DCA组至24组, provides new power increasing mixing effectiveness in larger 和更多的 complex applications such as theater/broadcast and when using cascaded 96 channel configurations. Scene Fade function allows channel fader levels to be set to fade smoothly when a scene is changed. Fade time is selectable up to 100 seconds and can be set to on or off for each channel and each scene. 此功能是理想的音乐和戏剧应用.

新的延迟参数现在可以设置为1.2秒在任何输入或输出通道. This is especially important when longer times are required in video/streaming production or audio time alignment at large venues. Five new channel effects include Multi-Band Compression/Expansion and four modeled BOSS compact effects including OD/DS series (Overdrive/Distortion), DD-3(数字延迟), DM-5(延时)及CE-1(合唱合奏), 为现场制作带来更多的控制和快速.

V1.5 update will be available in April 2012 under the M-480 section here: http://www.rolandsystemsgroup.com/products/resources/system_updates.

关于M-480 V-Mixer:
48-Channel Live Mixing Console m - 480 V-Mixer features 48 mixing channels and 6 stereo returns for a total of 60 channels. Bussing是强大的,共有27人,包括16名辅助队员, 8矩阵和完全支持单声道, 立体声或LCR声音设计. 具有可配置的可用数字I/O盒选择, the M-480 can support up to 90 inputs and 90 outputs - all fully assignable via the digital patchbay. The patchbay also has the unique ability to route any input to any output without going through the mixer. Each mixing channel includes 2 stages of dynamics processing, 4-band PEQ, and delay. 专用的4波段PEQ,限制和延迟可用于每个输出.

In addition to these powerful features the M-480 has a “Cascade” function allowing two units to be connected together enabling a 96-channel mixing solution. The two connected consoles share AUX/Matrix/Main/Solo buses with bidirectional communication allowing a very compact, 经济实惠,功能强大的高通道混音解决方案. This is ideal in production rental and institutional environments where two consoles can be used separately for numerous events and then brought together for larger productions only when needed.

REAC (Roland Ether网 Audio Communication) is the audio transport protocol developed by Roland to meet the Pro-Audio market’s need for a point-to-point 24 bit/ 96kHz, low latency digital audio transport for live sound use and commercial applications. The REAC protocol is capable of transmitting 40 channels of 24bit audio over inexpensive Cat5e/6 cable and can be easily split using standard gigabit switches making it easy and very cost effective to have lossless all-digital splits of the stage audio for FOH, 监控, 广播及录音地点. Products using REAC technology are installed today in many venues and have been used for high profile events worldwide.

(RSG) supplies the commercial and performance audio/video industries with application specific equipment from the ROLAND professional audio and video product lines. 这些产品线适用于礼拜场所, 工作室, 俱乐部/赌场, 剧院/表演艺术中心, 制作公司,租赁和演出公司. 罗兰系统集团.公司总部设在贝灵汉, 是罗兰公司全球集团的成员之一. 欲了解更多信息,请访问 http://www.rolandsystemsgroup.com

New website provides V-Mixing System owners a medium in which to share stories, 视频, 照片, 库, 系统图, 应用程序,并有快速访问教程和培训视频
This capture software was developed to meet the request from Windows users who want to record/capture the audio and video during live events using any of the products from the Roland VR or VC line-up
The professional Roland M-200i V-Mixer is a powerful addition to the V-Mixing System line-up that includes solutions for live sound with consoles, 数字蛇, 集成播放/记录和个人混音