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索尼创意软件释放声音锻造Pro 11和SpectraLayers Pro 2

而Sound Forge Pro 11和spectralayers Pro 2是独立的应用程序, both are now configured to work seamlessly with each other, 提供综合的编辑环境,结合了深波形和频谱编辑功能

Sony Creative Software, 全球领先的专业编辑和创作解决方案提供商, 今天发布了他们两个获奖软件应用程序的新升级, Sound Forge Pro 11 [WIN] and SpectraLayers Pro 2 [WIN/MAC]. Sound Forge Pro是一代编辑器选择的应用程序, comprising a solid platform with an 自PC上的音频录制诞生以来,一系列选项一直在不断发展. 新版本引入了更有效的录音和处理工作流程和新的信号和效果处理插件制作广播准备音频大师. Upgrading the revolutionary editing application, spectralayer Pro 2站在音频频谱编辑运动的最前沿. 在光谱领域中处理音频现在甚至更快更容易了, with a faster processing engine and a host of new tools, methodologies and user interface improvements.

While Sound Forge Pro 11 andSpectraLayers Pro 2 are standalone applications, both are now configured to work seamlessly with each other, 提供综合的编辑环境,结合了深波形和频谱编辑功能.

“Sound Forge Pro 11和spectralayer Pro 2以完美的一对形式一起到达, unified with systems for easy audio data transfer capabilities, 从而产生一个真正集成的解决方案,可以自由地跨波形和频谱范式工作," said Dave Chaimson, vice president of global marketing for Sony Creative Software. “Sound Forge Pro用户现在可以享受非常直接的打孔和滚动录制过程, 以及一系列可以在工作区中直接访问和控制的新插件. 我们的SpectraLayers Pro用户军团将享受新的性能收益,我们已经把引擎盖下,同时发明新的方法来实现新的声音塑造功能在船上."

Sound Forge Pro 11 Software New Features 

  • One-Touch Recording: Sound Forge Pro 11的特点是一个完全重新设计的录音界面,让你锚定在工作空间在任何时候,而你塑造和监控传入的音频, arm and record takes, review work, and prepare for the next pass.
  • CALM (Commercial Advertisement Loudness Mitigation Act) compliantmetering:新的测光功能帮助您遵循新的规则,同时最大限度地提高您的音频的动态范围潜力.
  • New Plug-in Chain Interface: 对插件处理环境的每个元素的直接工作空间访问.
  • Includes iZotope®Nectar®Elements plug-in (a $129 value): 高端语音处理插件与风格预设的流派,如摇滚, pop, folk, soul, and voiceover & dialogue.
  • New Restore and Repair Tools by iZotope: New in this edition: Declipper, Denoiser, Declicker.
  • New Waveform Display Options: More than just a simple strip that displays your exact location, 这个功能也可以作为一个很好的导航和试镜工具.
  • Input Bus Effects: 通过插件效果来美化您的源信号,为您的才华设定心情.
  • Broadcast Wave File Format Enhancements: Supports BEXT BWF version 2.包括自动填充和验证选项以及BWF数据的自动修复. 

SpectraLayers Pro 2 Software New Features 

  • Significantly Enhanced Performance: Enjoy faster spectral graph explorations in any scenario.
  • Spectral Casting / Molding: 将一层的频率特征投射到另一层的频率特征上,得到一个可以反转相位的导数层,从而为混音中难以区分的声音创造自由的频谱空间. Try a spectral alternative to typical side-chain/ducking processes, 或者挖掘这一功能的创造性潜力,创造出令人难以置信的声音设计可能性.
  • Shape Tool:Perfect for extracting drum sounds, 简单地指向光谱图上的一个形状,然后点击将你的点击拉到目标层.
  • Frequency Range Display Options: 在你选择的对数刻度上显示频率范围.
  • One-Click Noise Extraction: 一个新的一键命令执行您的自定义噪声在目标层的整个光谱范围.
  • Looping: 定义一个时间范围和参与循环播放试听全频谱的选择,以及频率带宽有限的选择.
  • New Resampling and Remixing Options: 在重采样过程中自由定义、路由和混合通道.
  • Retina Ready:Peer deeper into the spectral graph while taking advantage of your Retina display equipped MacBook Pro. 

Price and Availability

Sound Forge Pro 11 software (MSRP $499.95 WIN), SpectraLayers Pro 2 software (MSRP $399.95 MAC/WIN),这两个应用程序都捆绑在Audio Master Suite包中(建议零售价849美元).95)现在可以数字下载,还有实物产品August 12, 2013. For more information, or to purchase, please

About Sony Creative Software

索尼创意软件是一家领先的创新专业和消费者软件解决方案提供商,激发创造力, discovery, and productivity. 我们通过屡获殊荣的数字视频系列鼓励艺术表达, audio, and music production applications. Our customer base is extensive and includes film, television, and recording professionals as well as students, educators, and independent artists worldwide. 有关Sony Creative Software产品的更多信息,请访问