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New features include external preview to AJA video hardware products that turn any PC or Mac into a professional QC workstation; new professional Audio Meters with loudness monitoring; support for new export formats and extended caption support

Telestream®, 领先的数字视频工具和工作流程解决方案提供商今天宣布,最新版本的Switch现在包括新的专业视觉检查工具,为后期制作和视频专业人员创建经济实惠的QC工作流程. New features include external preview to AJA video hardware products that turn any PC or Mac into a professional QC workstation; new professional Audio Meters with loudness monitoring; support for new export formats and extended caption support. Telestream is also announcing Switch Plus, 一个增强版的屡获殊荣的媒体播放器,允许媒体专业人士播放, inspect, and transcode their multi-format media for just $49.

Switch是业界唯一一款拥有广泛格式支持的跨平台游戏, full captioning playback, deep audio inspection (including loudness monitoring), as well as export, and distribution capabilities. 它是一个强大的和负担得起的视觉QC工具,取代了众多的玩家, inspectors, 广播和后期制作专业人士一直依赖于分析器和转换器来完成他们的工作," says Barbara DeHart Vice President Desktop Business.

Switch现在有3个版本:Switch Player(免费), includes basic player and inspection functionality; the all new Switch Plus ($49) for video editors and post-production professionals who need to play, inspect, and fix their media; and Switch Pro ($295) for professionals who need features to play, QC, fix and deliver their media. All 3 versions can be downloaded at

新的Switch Plus包括Switch Player的所有功能,并在Windows上增加了对HEVC和MPEG-2的播放支持, AC3 audio, as well as extensive caption and subtitle playback support, 这样用户就可以轻松地播放辅助字幕文件来验证计时和准确性. Caption support includes CEA-608 & CEA-708 captions, as well SCC, DVB, TTML (iTT and SMPTE-TT captions) and WebVTT, SRT and STL subtitle files. Switch Plus还包括音频仪表,以显示真峰和瞬间响度值,以及进行更改和导出到新文件(MPEG-4)的能力, QuickTime MOV和MPEG-2程序流和传输流).

最新版本的Switch Pro包括Switch Plus的所有功能,并增加了对DNxHD的额外播放支持, DNxHR and JPEG2000 files. Switch Pro also adds a loudness panel that calculates gated (BS1770-3) and ungated (BS1770-2) loudness; as well as external preview output enabling support for HDMI/SDI hardware output via AJA devices to preview and quality check final files. 这使得Switch Pro非常适合那些正在寻找一个负担得起的选择,在专业校准的广播监视器上直观地QC他们的文件的客户. 支持的AJA视频硬件产品包括:KONA 4, KONA 3G, T-TAP™,Io 4K和Io XT.

"For content creators doing critical visual QC, Switch和AJA的组合提供了一个强大的低成本解决方案,将任何Mac或PC变成一个高质量的视觉QC工作站," says Nick Rashby, President at AJA.



About Telestream

Telestream提供世界级的直播和点播数字视频工具和工作流解决方案,允许消费者和企业在桌面和整个企业中转换视频. 许多世界上最苛刻的媒体和娱乐公司,以及越来越多的用户在广泛的商业环境, rely on Telestream products to streamline operations, 接触更广泛的受众,从他们的媒体中获得更多的收入. Telestream products span the entire digital media lifecycle, including video capture and ingest; live and on-demand encoding and transcoding; captioning; playback and inspection, delivery, and live streaming; as well as automation and orchestration of the entire workflow. Telestream公司总部位于加州内华达市. The company is privately held. For more information, visit